麦吉尔大学(McGill University)位于加拿大魁北克省,培养过多位诺贝尔奖得主和罗德学者。学校现有2个院区,10个系,共32,000余名学生,国际学生9,000余名。麦吉尔大学在所有加拿大大学中排名前五,并连续18年位列加拿大医博类大学榜首;QS最新排名(2023年)第31位;US News and World Report排名第54位。
麦吉尔大学医学与健康科学系(Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences)在加拿大所有医学院中排名第1,共有6个学院、35个研究中心和机构、3个学术健康网络、以及4个教学医院:https://www.mcgill.ca/medhealthsci/about/glance
● Department of Human Genetics, Jacek Majewski 团队
Weinberg DN, Papillon-Cavanagh S, Chen H, et al. The histone mark H3K36me2 recruits DNMT3A and shapes the intergenic DNA methylation landscape. Nature. 2019;573(7773):281-286.
Weinberg DN, Rosenbaum P, Chen X, et al. Two competing mechanisms of DNMT3A recruitment regulate the dynamics of de novo DNA methylation at PRC1-targeted CpG islands. Nat Genet. 2021;53(6):794-800.
Papillon-Cavanagh S, Lu C, Gayden T,
et al. Impaired H3K36 methylation defines a subset of head and neck squamous
cell carcinomas. Nat Genet.
● Department of Medicine, Nada Jabado团队
Chen CCL, Deshmukh S, Jessa S, et al. Histone H3.3G34-Mutant Interneuron Progenitors Co-opt PDGFRA for Gliomagenesis. Cell. 2020;183(6):1617-1633.e22.
● Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre, Daniela F. Quail团队
McDowell SAC, Luo RBE, Arabzadeh A, et al. Neutrophil oxidative stress mediates obesity-associated vascular dysfunction and metastatic transmigration. Nat Cancer. 2021;2(5):545-562.
Quail DF, Joyce JA. The
Microenvironmental Landscape of Brain Tumors. Cancer Cell. 2017;31(3):326-341.
● Rosalind and Morris Goodman Cancer Research Centre,Ian R. Watson 团队
Moldoveanu D, Ramsay L, Lajoie M, et al. Spatially mapping the immune landscape of melanoma using imaging mass cytometry. Sci Immunol. 2022;7(70):eabi5072.
Alkallas R, Lajoie M, Moldoveanu D, et al. Multi-omic analysis reveals significantly mutated genes and DDX3X as a sex-specific tumor suppressor in cutaneous melanoma. Nat Cancer. 2020;1(6):635-652.
神经所(The Neuro):9大团队,涵盖神经科学各个领域,主要研究方向为脑瘤(Brain Tumour)、认知神经科学(Cognitive Neuroscience)、癫痫(Epilepsy)、神经回路(Neural Circuits)、神经退行性疾病(Neurodegenerative Disorders)、神经发育障碍(Neurodevelopmental Disorders)、神经影像学和神经信息学(Neuroimaging and Neuroinformatics)、神经免疫疾病(Neuroimmunological Diseases)、罕见神经系统疾病(Rare Neurological Diseases and Disorders)等。
道格拉斯研究中心(The Douglas Research Centre):麦吉尔大学附属研究中心,现有4个部门,分别是临床研究部(Clinical Research)、心理健康与社会部(Mental Health and Society)、基础神经科学部(Basic Neuroscience)、人类神经科学部(Human Neuroscience)。中心主要研究方向为环境逆境、神经发育与心理健康(Environmental Adversity, Neurodevelopment, and Mental Health),青少年心理健康与早期干预(Youth Mental Health and Early Intervention),衰老、认知和阿尔茨海默病(Aging, Cognition, and Alzheimer`s Disease),压力、焦虑、抑郁和自杀(Stress, Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide),睡眠与生物节律(Sleep and Biological Rhythms)