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                                               图书信息中心  2009-4-16      

•Black: Obstetric Gynecologic Dermatology, 3rd, 2008
•Bolognia: Dermatology, 2nd, 2008

•James: rews\' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology, 10th, 2005
•Marks: Lookingbill Marks\' Principles of Dermatology, 4th, 2006
•Rapini: Practical Dermatopathology, 1st, 2005
•Rigel: Cancer of the Skin, 1st, 2005
•Scher: Nails: Diagnosis, Therapy, Surgery, 3rd, 2005
•Weston: Color Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology, 4th, 2007
•Wolverton: Comprehensive Dermatologic Drug Therapy, 2nd, 2007

Dermatologic Surgery:
•Fitzpatrick: Cosmetic Laser Surgery, 1st, 2000
•Goldman: Sclerotherapy: Treatment of Varicose Telangiectatic Leg Veins, 4th, 2006#p#分页标题#e#
•Goldman: Cutaneous Cosmetic Laser Surgery, 1st, 2006
•Johr: Dermoscopy, 1st, 2004
•Nouri: Techniques in Dermatologic Surgery, 1st, 2003
•Robinson: Surgery of the Skin, 1st, 2005
•Rohrer: Flaps Grafts in Dermatologic Surgery, 1st, 2008
•Salasche: Dermatologic Surgery Tips Techniques, 1st, 2007

Family Medicine:
•ACLM: Legal Medicine, 7th, 2007
•ACLM: The Medical Malpractice Survival Hbook, 1st, 2007
•Apgar: Colposcopy: Principles Practice, 2nd, 2008
•Buttaravoli: Minor Emergencies, 2nd, 2007
•Eiff: Fracture Management for Primary Care, 2nd, 2002
•Heidelbaugh: Clinical Men\'s Health: Evidence in Practice, 1st, 2007
•McGee: Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis, 2nd, 2007
•Mercier: Practical Orthopedics, 6th, 2007
•Palay: Primary Care Ophthalmology, 2nd, 2005
•Ratcliffe: Family Medicine Obstetrics, 3rd, 2008
•Tallia: Swanson\'s Family Medicine Review, 6th, 2008

Geriatric Medicine:
•Ham: Primary Care Geriatrics: A e-Based Approach, 5th, 2006
•Shorr: Drugs for the Geriatric Patient, 1st, 2007
•Sodeman: Instructions for Geriatric Patients, 3rd, 2005
•Wachtel: Geriatric Clinical Advisor: Instant Diagnosis Treatment, 1st, 2006

•Donn: The Michigan Manual of Neonatal Intensive Care, 3rd, 2003
•Donn/Sinha: Manual of Neonatal Respiratory Care, 2nd, 2006
•Eichenfield: Neonatal Dermatology, 2nd, 2008
•Fenichel: Neonatal Neurology, 4th, 2006
•Goldsmith: Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate, 4th, 2003
•Martin: Fanaroff Martin\'s Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, 8th, 2005#p#分页标题#e#
•Polin: Fetal Neonatal Physiology, 3rd, 2003
•Remington: Infectious Diseases of the Fetus the Newborn Infant, 6th, 2005
•Taeusch: Avery\'s Diseases of the Newborn, 8th, 2004
•Volpe: Neurology of the Newborn, 5th, 2008


Orthopedics – H Surgery:
•Chung: H Upper Extremity Reconstruction, 1st, 2009
•Green: Green\'s Operative H Surgery, 5th, 2005
•Morrey: The Elbow Its Disorders, 4th, 2008
•Slutsky: Techniques in Wrist H Arthroscopy, 1st, 2007
•Trumble: Core Knowledge in Orthopaedics: H, Elbow, Shoulder, 1st, 2005
•Weinzweig: The Mutilated H, 1st, 2005

Orthopedics – Shoulder Surgery:
•Gartsman: Shoulder Arthroscopy, 2nd, 2008
•Gartsman: Shoulder Arthroplasty, 1st, 2008
•Matsen: Shoulder Surgery: Principles Procedures, 1st, 2003
•Rockwood: The Shoulder, 4th, 2009
•Slutsky: Peripheral Nerve Surgery, 1st, 2006

•Baker: Local Flaps in Facial Reconstruction, 2nd, 2007
•Brackmann: Otologic Surgery, 3rd, 2009 (Available 09/2009)
•Eisele: Complications in Head Neck Surgery, 2nd, 2009
•Krouse: Managing the Allergic Patient, 1st, 2008
•Myers: Cancer of the Head Neck, 4th, 2004

•Bibbo: Comprehensive Cytopathology, 3rd, 2008
•Bostwick: Urological Surgical Pathology, 2nd, 2008
•Cibas: Cytology: Diagnostic Principles Clinical Correlates, 3rd, 2009

•Dabbs: Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry, 2nd, 2006
•Fletcher: Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors, 3rd, 2007
•Gilbert/Barness: Potter\'s Pathology of the Fetus, Infant, Child, 2nd, 2007#p#分页标题#e#
•Gnepp: Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head Neck, 2nd, 2009
•Leslie: Practical Pulmonary Pathology, 1st, 2004
•Lester: Manual of Surgical Pathology, 2nd, 2005
•Odze: Surgical Pathology of the GI Tract, 2nd, 2009

•Shidham/Atkinson: Cytopathologic Diagnosis of Serous Fluid, 1st, 2007
•Weidner:  Modern Surgical Pathology, 2nd, 2009 (Available 08/2009)
•Weiss: Enzinger Weiss\'s Soft Tissue Tumors, 5th, 2007

General Radiology:
•Bassett: Diagnosis of Diseases of the Breast, 2nd, 2004
•Dalrymple: Problem Solving in Abdominal Pelvic Imaging, 1st, 2009 (Available 08/2009)
•Ell/ Gambhir: Nuclear Medicine in Clinical Diagnosis Treatment, 3rd, 2004
•Goodman: Felson\'s Principles of Chest Roentgenology, 3rd, 2006
•Haaga: CT MR Imaging of the Whole Body, 5th, 2008
•Hansell: Imaging of Diseases of the Chest, 4th, 2005
•Helms: Musculoskeletal MRI, 2nd, 2008
•Morrison: Problem Solving in Musculoskeletal Imaging, 1st, 2008
•Resnick: Internal Derangements of ts, 2nd, 2006
•Resnick: Bone t Imaging, 3rd, 2004
•Rumack: Diagnostic Ultrasound, 3rd, 2004
•Siegelman: Body MRI, 1st, 2004

•Tartar: Breast Cancer Imaging: A Multidisciplinary, Multimodality Approach, 1st, 2008
•Valji: Vascular Interventional Radiology, 2nd, 2006
•Weissleder: Primer of Diagnostic Imaging, 4th, 2006
•Yousem: Radiology Business Practice: How to Succeed, 1st, 2007






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