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On Dec.21st, 2018 (American Eastern Standard Time), the Association of Corticosteroid Treatment With Outcomes in Adult Patients with Sepsis:A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, which was written by the teams led by Professors Fa...
Recently, a new Klebsiella species has been discovered by a pathogenic microorganisms research team at the West China Hospital of Sichuan University during clinical practices, which is led by Zong Zhiyong, a professor of the Infec...
The 4th Athens International Symposium(AIS) held in July 2018 was a renowned endoscopic summit in Europe held every other year. The meeting brought together famous International Faculty of experts from 15 countries and had an ener...
On the morning of August 23, Prof. Neil Robert, an expert in functional magnetic resonance imaging research, and the Chairman of the Clinical Research Imaging Center of the University of Edinburgh, visited the Pain Management Depa...
On the morning of September 7, 2018, a ceremony was held at the Ultrasound Department for appointing Professor Laurence Needleman, Director of the Ultrasound Department and Co-Director of the Vascular Center of Jefferson Universit...
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