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First Covid-19 patient discharged from West China Hospital

On February 10, the first Covid-19 patient admitted by West China Hospital was discharged after 14-day treatment.

The patient came to see a doctor at West China Hospital on January 21, and was officially admitted on January 28. “At the beginning he had an obvious fever with a red face, coughing and looking depressed.” said Wang Lichuan, chief physician of the Infectious Disease Center in charge of the treatment of the patient. The patient suffered from the fever for eight days; however, his body temperature declined in three days after being admitted for treatment. Before his discharge, the medical care team checked three times via throat swabs, finding that both his expectoration and feces test results showed negative, higher than the national standard for discharge. The patient should have a two-week self-quarantine and observation after discharge, during which the hospital would conduct 24-hour follow-up of his health; and the patient was asked to come back to the hospital for a double check in two weeks.

“I’m very grateful for the medical workers who never gave up on me,” said the patient. Lack of knowledge of the disease, he was very nervous at the beginning of the treatment, but restored confidence gradually when the medical workers took good care of him, encouraged him, and kept him noticed of test results and the development of the disease. After the discharge, the hospital also helped him to solve the problem of accommodation because he had no relatives and no residence in Chengdu. Next, he was ready to start his self-quarantine.

According to Dr. Zeng Yong, Vice President of WCH, the hospital has taken the Infectious Disease Center as a designated unit to admit Covid-19 patients. With a total of 150 beds, the Center can admit both confirmed and suspected patients.