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Professor Wu Haoxing’s team from MR Research Center publishes on Angewandte Chemie

In March 2022, Professor Wu Haoxing’s research team from West China MR Research Center and Liu Xiaogang’s team from the Singapore University of Technology and Design cooperated to publish a research paper named "Overcoming the Spectral Dependence: A General Strategy for Developing Far-Red and Near-Infrared Ultra-Fluorogenic Tetrazine Bioorthogonal Probes" in Angewandte Chemie (IF: 15.3). A general tetrazine probe design strategy overcomes the spectral dependence of the energy transfer mechanism, endowing excellent fluorogenicity in the NIR window. The high specificity, signal-to-noise ratio, and photostability of the synthesized probes make them highly suited for live-cell bioimaging and theranostics. The paper was also selected as the 'hot paper' in current issue.