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WCH reports projects of "China-Africa Counterpart Hospital Cooperation Mechanism"

On November 18, the Center for International Exchange and Cooperation of the National Health Commission held an online debriefing meeting for the "China-Africa Counterpart Hospital Cooperation Mechanism" projects, which was attended by more than 50 units with a total of 178 participants. West China Hospital, as one of the six demonstration units, gave a report around the theme of "Sao Tome and Principe Iris de Menezes Hospital Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Department Construction Project" and "Mozambique Maputo Central Hospital National Clinical Skills Training Center Construction Project" and reported on the progress of the two projects and the next work plan.

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In the "Sao Tome and Principe Project," four doctors from Sao Tome and Principe underwent a two-year standardized rotation training at our hospital. We developed personalized training plans for them and provided guidance throughout the entire process. Additionally, we donated 600 bilingual versions of the clinical electrocardiogram handbook, as well as some small-scale equipment and consumables. In terms of training local talents, we utilized the Minimally Invasive Surgery Training Center for basic skills training and conducted remote consultations using remote consultation equipment. Our next step involves sending an expert team to Hospital Aires de Meneses for academic exchange and guidance.

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In the "Mozambique Project," the intelligent laparoscopy training and assessment system donated by our hospital has been used for multiple training sessions at Maputo Central Hospital, resulting in significant training effects. Furthermore, we organized academic exchanges and skills operation training sessions through the remote consultation platform, and assisted the establishment of a standardized discussion process for difficult cases at the hospital. Our next plan is to send an expert team to Maputo Central Hospital for academic exchange, investigation, and guidance, as well as donating laparoscopic equipment and consumables to promote the establishment of a "Minimally Invasive Surgery Center."