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WCH's urology team participates in EAU annual congress with academic presentations

The 39th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology (EAU 2024) was recently held in Paris, France. Led by Vice President Wang Kunjie, more than ten members of WCH's Urology Department, specializing in reconstructive surgery and urolithiasis, attended the prestigious event. Thirteen young physicians and graduate students from the department also delivered academic presentations at various sessions.

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Vice President Wang Kunjie was invited to chair a joint meeting involving representatives from the European Association of Urology (EAU), Chinese Urological Association (CUA), Taiwan Urological Association (TUA), Macao Urological Association, and the Hong Kong Urological Association. The meeting focused on hot topics and advancements in the field, such as stone management, urothelial cancer, and translational urology research. It provided a platform for in-depth academic exchange and discussion, fostering a collision of ideas between domestic and international urology experts and offering innovative approaches and valuable experience to our young physicians.

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The EAU Annual Congress is one of the largest and most influential academic conferences in the field of urology in Europe, attracting over 15,000 urologists and related professionals from more than 110 countries and regions worldwide. The congress featured a rich array of activities, including live surgeries, thematic courses, expert lectures, case discussions, and debates, showcasing the latest advancements in the field of urology.


The participation and academic exchange of the urology team not only demonstrated the recognition of their academic level but also allowed the team to understand the latest trends in the field and learn from advanced international research concepts. Most importantly, through this congress, international peers were able to hear the voice of Chinese researchers, further enhancing the international reputation and influence of WCH's urology department.