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On September 1, the WCH-Oxford Webinar of Chronic Diseases and Health Management was successfully held online. Prof. Richard Hobbs, one of Oxford’s Pro-vice Chancellors, Prof. Keith Channon, Deputy Head of Oxford’s medical science...
On August 19, the winners of the 12th Chinese Physician Prize was unveiled, in which 80 physicians across the state were listed, including Prof. Wang Wentao, director of WCH’s Hepatic Surgery. At the same time, he was selected as...
On August 21, the Conference for "2019 Science and Technology Evaluation Matrics (STEM) Rankings for Chinese Hospitals " hosted by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences was held in Beijing. The 2019 STEM comprehensive ranking of...
On August 29, at the 2020 Chinese Hospital Competitiveness Conference held in Guangzhou, GZ Asclepius Healthcare released the 2019 Chinese Hospital Competitiveness Rankings Lists, West China Hospital of Sichuan University ranked 2...
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) aroused since the end of 2019 has drawn worldwide attention, and its causative agent has been identified as a novel coronavirus designated as SARS-CoV-2. The global confirmed cases have exceeded...
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