OBJECTIVE: To provide the academic forum and interactive environment for the interchange of past achievements and future perspectives in orthopaedic clinical practice, education and research with specific emphasis on the needs in Asia and the Pan-Pacific regions
大会主席:Prof. E.Y. Chao, 邱贵兴, 裴福兴
主席团(按姓氏笔划排序):卢世壁,李子荣,李国平,吕厚山,张 洪,罗先正,范清宇,黄公怡,戴克戎 秘 书:杨 静 沈 彬 高艳
国外专家名单(按姓氏字母排序) Prof. Edmund Y. S. Chao, Johns Hopkins University, to speak on the simulation technology in orthopaedic surgery planning and execution and the biophysical stimulation in connective tissue repair and remodeling. Prof. S.P. Chow, University of Hong Kong, to speak on hand surgery; Prof. Brad Currier, Mayo Clinic, to speak on spine diseases and surgery; Prof. Woo-Shin Cho, ASAN Medical Center, to speak on knee arthroplasty and endoscopy; Prof. Joseff Fetto, New York University, to speak on AVN and hip reconstruction; Prof. K. Nobuhara, Japan, to speak on shoulder examination, surgery and patient post-operative management; Prof. Ham Peterson, Mayo Clinic, to speak on the management pediatric foot deformity correction and the management of hip dysplasia. Prof. Ling Qin from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, to speak on bone osteoporosis and research methodology. Prof. George Rab, University of California Davis, to speak on pediatric orthopaedics and CP children management; Prof. Hari Reddi, University of California Davis, to speak on practical biology in musculoskeletal system development, disease and research; Prof. Erich Schneider, Director of AO Foundation Research Center, to speak on bone fracture management in osteoporotic patients. Prof. Frank Sim, Mayo Clinic, to speak on bone tumor, knee osteotomy and revision surgery after failed total joint replacement; Prof. Gwo-Jaw Wang, University of Virginia and Kao-hsiung Medical University, to on total hip and knee replacement and the management of AVN patients. Prof. Peter Walker, New York University, to speak on the design and application of total knee prosthesis. Prof. Myung-Chul Yoo, Kyung Hee University, to speak on osteotomy and difficult knee reconstruction #p#分页标题#e# 国内专家名单(按姓氏笔划排序): 卢世壁,李子荣,李国平,吕厚山,邱贵兴,张 洪,罗先正,范清宇,黄公怡,戴克戎
会务指南 1、报到与注册:请参会者于2005年3月31日8:00到20:00在锦江宾馆一楼大厅报到、注册并领取胸卡及资料。 2、卫星会:除大会发言外,大会将于分会场举行卫星会议,专题介绍人工关节相关知识,请注意确认各卫星会的时间、地点与专题内容。 3、骨科生物力学提高班:会议期间将安排两个晚上的骨科生物力学培训,不另收费。 4、病例讨论:大会将安排病例讨论,欢迎自带病例参加讨论。提供病例者请事先与大会会务组联系以提供准确病史及相关影像资料。 5、证书:大会结束时,会务组将颁发参会证书及国家Ⅰ类继续教育学分证书(10学分),请与会者凭胸卡领取。
生活指南 1、交通:机场:锦江宾馆与飞机场之间有交通班车303路,每30分钟往返一次(报到当日机场有专车接)。 火车站:火车站下车后,请乘16路公交车直达锦江宾馆。 2、票务服务:大会会务组将提供火车票、飞机票预订服务,需订票者请于报到时详细填写定单。 3、住宿饮食:大会将向与会者提供数种不同标准的客房,会前有回执且按时报到者由会务组优先统一安排,无回执或未按时报到者由会务组统一安排。 4、电话:除内线电话外,大会不提供任何形式的电话服务,使用电话者请在退房时自行向前台交纳电话费。
主办单位:四川大学华西医院 联系地址:成都·四川大学华西医院骨科 邮政编码:610041 联系人:沈 彬 联系电话:028-85422430 传真:028-85423438 E-mail:gk_westchina@hotmal.com 费用:会务费:人民币800元 住宿费:锦江宾馆-主 楼( 320元/人/天,标准间) 锦江宾馆-锦苑楼( 280元/人/天,单人间) 锦江宾馆-锦苑楼( 150元/人/天,双人间) 大成宾馆 ( 120元/人/天,双人间) 滨江饭店 ( 100元/人/天,双人间) 各位代表:上述房间有限,未提前交费预订者由会务组在报到当日统一安排,见谅。
备注:1、报名及汇款截止日期:2005年1月31日 。请将会务费及住宿费和回执一并寄至成都市国学巷37号 四川大学华西医院骨科 沈彬(收)。邮编:610041(请注明与会代表姓名,并留好存根以备查询) 2、已报名但因故不能与会者请及时与大会会务组联系退款,但需交纳手续费50元。