四川大学华西循证护理中心博士后研究人员招聘启事 2024.03.04

四川大学华西循证护理中心博士后研究人员招聘启事 Postdoctoral Research Opportunity 

The Evidence-based Nursing Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University


The Evidence-based Nursing Center of West China Hospital, Sichuan University brings together multidisciplinary experts and platform resources from Nursing Department of West China Hospital, Chinese Cochrane Center, National Engineering Research Center for Biomaterials, West China Robotics Institution, and Business School of Sichuan University. The center combines medical and engineering expertise profoundly. It conducts fundamental and clinical research, product development and translational research on nursing concerns pertaining to population aging and patient safety. With a total research fund of 41.37 million yuan, it manages 23 national and provincial-level academic projects, including the National Key Research and Development Program of China, and the General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).


1. 护理指南制定与转化

2. 患者安全(跌倒、给药错误等)

3. 临床护理技术(伤口护理、肠内营养护理、PICC护理等)

4. 老年安宁疗护

5. 高级护理实践(护士处方权等)

Main Research Directions:

1. Development and transformation of nursing guidelines

2. Patient safety (patient falls, medication errors, etc.)

3. Clinical nursing techniques (wound care, enteral nutrition care, PICC care, etc.)

4. Geriatric palliative care

5. Advanced nursing practice (nurse prescribing rights, etc.)



1. 护理学和公共卫生学

2. 管理科学与工程

3. 人工智能和医学信息学

4. 人因工程和工业工程学

5. 生物医学工程

Recruitment targets:

1. Nursing and Public Health

2. Management Science and Engineering

3. Artificial Intelligence and Medical Informatics

4. Human Factor Engineering and Industrial Engineering

5. Biomedical Engineering



Partial collaborating Mentors:

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蒋艳 教授

Prof. Yan JIANG






主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,发表SCI 50余篇(ESI高被引1篇)、获亚洲医院管理金奖,四川省科技进步二、三等奖,中华护理学会科技二、三等奖等(项目负责人)

- 主要研究方向:循证护理、护理管理、人工智能等与护理创新相关领域

- Member of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Director of Nursing Department, Director of the Evidence-based Nursing Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University.

- Recipient of the 49th Florence Nightingale Award. FAAN.

- Outstanding Nursing Worker of the Chinese Nursing Association, Chief Expert of the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission, Academic and Technical Leader of Sichuan Province, and One of the first group of Special Experts of the Sichuan Association for Science and Technology's Haizhi Plan.

- Member of the 10th Plenary Session of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, member of the Nursing Professional Committee of the National Health Standards Committee, Executive Director of the Chinese Nursing Association, Vice Chairman of the Evidence Based Nursing Committee of the Chinese Nursing Association, and Chairman of the Elderly Integrated Nursing Committee of the Chinese Anti-cancer Association.

Chief scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program of China, and the principal investigator of NSFC program. Published over 50 SCI papers (1 ESI highly cited paper). Recipient of the Asian Hospital Management Gold Award; Second and Third Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress in Sichuan Province; Second and Third Prize for Science and Technology of the Chinese Nursing Society.

Main research interests include evidence-based nursing, nursing management, artificial intelligence, and other areas related to nursing innovation.

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孙鑫 教授

Prof. Xin SUN





- 研究方向:循证医学与生物医药大数据研究;现代中药临床基础交叉研究(循证中药学)

- Director of Chinese Cochrane Center; Director of the Sichuan Provincial Real World Data Technology Innovation Center; Director of the Key Laboratory of Real World Data Research and Evaluation under the National Medical Products Administration in Hainan Province; and Deputy Dean of the Hainan Real World Data Research Institute.

- Visiting Scholar at the Clinical Trials Center of the University of Oxford/UK Cochrane Center; recognized as an academic and technical leader in the 12th batch in Sichuan Province.

- Recipient of funding for multiple national-level programs from the NSFC program, the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Medical Products Administration, and China Medical Board (CMB). Received the second prize in the Ministry of Education's Scientific and Technological Progress Awards.

Main research interests include evidence based medicine and biopharmaceutical big data research; Cross disciplinary Research on Clinical Fundamentals of Modern Chinese Medicine (Evidence Based Traditional Chinese Medicine).

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李康 教授

Prof. Kang LI

- 四川大学华西医院大数据中心研究员 岷山计划华西医疗机器人技术研究院院长,四川省卫健委学术技术带头人,护理省重点实验室智慧护理学科带头人


人机交互顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems副主编、IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems期刊副主编,BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders期刊副主编以及Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries期刊编委

- 主要研究方向:康复和护理医疗器械研发、虚拟现实场景中的人体运动分析、多模态医学影像分析

- Research Fellow of the Big Data Center of West China Hospital, Sichuan University; Dean of the “Minshan” Plan West China Medical Robot Technology Research Institute; Academic and Technical Leader of the Sichuan Provincial Health Commission; Leader of the Smart Nursing Discipline in the Key Laboratory of Nursing in Sichuan Province.

- Deputy Editor of IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, and BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders; Editorial Board Member of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries.

Main research interests include rehabilitation and nursing medical device development, analysis of human body movement in virtual reality scenarios, and multimodal medical image analysis.

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王书崎 教授

Prof. Shuqi WANG


Lab Chip, Biotechnology AdvancesBiomaterials, Theranostics等专业期刊发表论文70余篇,授权专利10余项



- Distinguished Researcher at the Biomedical Materials Engineering Research Center of Sichuan University; Ph.D from the University of Cambridge; Postdoctoral Researcher at Harvard-MIT; Innovative Leader of the “Tianfu Emei Plan” in Sichuan Province.

- Author of over 70 papers in professional journals such as Lab Chip, Biotechnology Advances, Biomaterials, and Theranostics; holder of more than 10 patents.

Main research interests include bioreactors, organ chips, and instant diagnostic testing.


1. 具有博士学位和学历,年龄在35周岁以下;

2. 具有护理学和公共卫生学、管理科学与工程、人工智能和医学信息学、人因工程和工业工程学、生物医学工程等相关学科背景;

3. 热爱护理专业,具有科研创新和团队精神,具备独立从事科研工作的能力,以第一作者在国际专业期刊发表过高水平的研究论文。

Basic qualifications

1. With a doctor's degree and aged 35yrs or below.

2. Having a background in nursing and public health, management science and engineering, artificial intelligence and medical informatics, human factor engineering and industrial engineering, and biomedical engineering.

3. Passion for the nursing profession, inventiveness, and collaboration. Capacity for conducting research independently. Excellent publication records as the first author in international professional journals.



1. 按规定享受四川大学华西医院职工待遇。业绩突出者可享受专职博士后科研业绩奖励;

2. 提供参加各种国际、国内学术交流机会,支持并协助申请国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、四川大学博士后基金、四川大学华西医院博士后基金等各类科研基金项目;

3. 具体说明见网站: http://www.wchscu.cn/public/notice/recruit/48299.html。


1. Receive the same benefits and social insurance as employees under contract at West China Hospital, Sichuan University. Outstanding performers may be eligible for special rewards for their postdoctoral research performance.

2. Opportunities to participate in various domestic and international academic exchanges, support in preparing applications for the National Natural Science Foundation, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the Sichuan University Postdoctoral Fund, the West China Hospital of Sichuan University Postdoctoral Fund, and other research funding projects.

3. For details, please refer to the following website: http://www.wchscu.cn/public/notice/recruit/48299.html.



1. 请有意向且符合要求者,将个人简历、研究经历、代表性学术论文及其他材料发送至Ambercreek_wc@hotmail.com,主题命名为“博士后申请-姓名-联系电话”。

2. 博士后招聘程序遵循择优录用、公开、公正的原则进行。

Application process

1. Interested candidates should send an up-to-date CV, together with information about their research background, representative academic works, and other supporting materials. Kindly submit to Ambercreek_wc@hotmail.com via email titled "Postdoctoral Recruitment_Name_ Phone Number".

2. Merit-based selection and public recruitment guidelines will be followed in the hiring process for this post.






电话:+86 18008085578

邮箱:Ambercreek_wc@hotmail.com via email.

Address: No. 37 Guoxue Alley, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

Postcode: 610041

Contact: Cong WANG

Tel: +86 18008085578

Email: Ambercreek_wc@hotmail.com. 



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